Friday, October 3, 2014

Kynsasa was the origin of AIDS

Kynsasa a busy town in the 1920s, where millions of people were coming

According to scientists the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the Republic of Congo in the 1920s was in kynsasa

An international team of scientists say that the population 'Perfect Storm' Sex and the railway helped the spread of HIV.

According to the journal Science by a team to find the origin of the disease, he has helped Archeology viral.

The record keeping HIV genetic code samples detected this source indicates that by 1920 kynsasa.

Maybe in the report that tells the sex trade flourished, growing populations and medical centers are infected spread the virus to use needles.

Meanwhile, with the help of the Belgian railway running roughly one million people to come and go in this town, who could carry the virus to other areas.

Experts say that the information about the origin of the outbreak to a tremendous effort.

HIV epidemic emerged in the 1980s, and so far 75 million people have been affected.

It has a long history in Africa, but has yet to discuss the issue, where it was initially.

University of Oxford and University of Belgium has luyn HIV tree where it first came from the patient.

HIV research team reviewed myutysnz genetic code.

Oliver paybs Oxford University professor told the BBC that nowadays you can see the footprint of the genome of history. "

Myutysnz or put his team in front of the changes made ​​to the tree roots detected.

The HIV virus is a modified form of the psyche.

Kynsasa was part of the Belgian Congo in the 1920s.

Professor Oliver says he was a huge area and colonial medical records revealed that there were common sexually transmitted diseases.

By the end of the 1940s nearly one million people were using kynsasa rail.

From there, the virus quickly spread to places like Brazzaville and kantaga.

Cardiff University's Dr Andrew Friedman says: "It has been an interesting study in which it was discovered that 80 of the decade before AIDS and how HIV spreads in the region of the Congo


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