Monday, October 6, 2014

Fighters of  Islamic wealth entered in Kubani the fierce fighting

Fighters of the Islamic extremist organization rich in Syria near the Turkish border Kubani entered the town, and the streets of the city between Kurdish militias and extremists are fighting.

Wealth after fierce fighting with Islamic militants on Monday managed to enter the town from the east, and the high places and buildings in the eastern part of the black flag. 

Kubani town was under siege for the past three weeks, the militants and they were constantly advancing. 

The wealth of the Islamic occupation of the main town in the border of Syria and Turkey will find a wide area control. 

Fighting intensified after the town has left hundreds of people and so far more than 60 million Kurds have fled from the area. 

Kubani Idris, a government official told the BBC that Nissan entered the three sides, the town may soon be in the hands of extremists

He confirmed that the hill outside town mstynur Extremists are occupied and there is intense shelling. 

Kurdish politicians in Asia Kubani Abdullah says three locations in the town at that time fighting. 
He told the BBC: "War is Kubani streets. There are still thousands of ordinary people in the town and the Islamic Wealth is using heavy weapons. If they still did not have so many big kill. "

Asia also said that military tanks surrounded the town: "They surrounded us from all sides and around the city are shelling with heavy weapons. Coordinate with your arms Kurds are competing as much as possible. 

Kurds in Bali Kubani spokesman Mustafa told AFP news agency that the civilians were told to evacuate the town, and on Monday two thousand people left the city.

Kubani town was under siege for the past three weeks, militants

U.S. Central Command confirmed air strikes on Islamic funds and Islamic funds in the two positions south of the town was destroyed, but in Asia, Abdullah said the air strike 'ineffective' ahead said. 
He said that they are heavy weapons and tanks have limited our resistance and we need more air strikes. "

Asia said "the world has been silent about the possible murder. '

Syria near the Turkish border, the BBC correspondent Paul Adams said Monday Kubani gunshots throughout the day will come and see the smoke from the houses while the sporadic explosions
He also says it is committed to the defense of the Kurdish militia Kubani this stage it seems the end of the story.


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