Monday, September 29, 2014

Belgium: jihadi recruitment on 46 people on trial




 It is believed that more than 3,000 European Muslims in Syria and Iraq, along with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Front  have to fight

 The city of anterverp in Belgium, a group of 46 persons are being prosecuted in connection with what were sending even withdrawn. This is a huge case of its kind in Belgium.

Only eight people were suspects in a court.What is the idea that the rest died either in the evening or in the battlefield are jihadist.  

European countries who are fighting in Syria and Iraq are worried about the threat arising from its citizens.  ' Winter this year in northern Iraq Islamic campaign launched in the areas under their control in the evening جوائی and added a new belt.  

The United States, Europe and Arab allies bombed areas under control of the Islamic ' replied.  It is believed that more than 3,000 European Muslims in Syria and Iraq, along with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Front Al Nasara  have to fight.

Europe security agencies  that the Jihadi extremists return local targets can create attacks.  

According to estimates, more than 400 citizens of Belgium to the authorities in Syria have to fight.It is believed that 10 per cent is linked to social equity for Belgium.

 The alleged head of the group to appear in court on Monday were among those who blaqasm Fouad.

 However, it is believed that blaqasm were not themselves in the evening but investigators say Fouad he instigated others to go to Jihad in Syria.  

If the allegations prove to 20 years in prison, he may be.  Defence lawyers on Tuesday after answer is likely to have been entered.  

In an open letter issued to the media balqasm levelled charges declining as saying he never did not recruit people to go to Syria, nor sent fighters there.

Allegation rejected

In an open letter issued to the media balqasm levelled charges declining as saying he never did not recruit people to go to Syria, nor sent fighters there.


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