Monday, September 29, 2014

    ' healthy mosquitoes are using to control of dengue fever'

In Brazil in 1981 after a gap of 20 years dengue virus had come up again and after that as a result of the virus during the 30 years of the 70 million people affected

List of cities in Brazil in Rio de jnero researchers have dengue fever prevention for infections left in the city affected tens of thousands of mosquitoes.

Researchers are hopeful that after the number of mosquitoes breeding mosquitoes will be more than the other, and this will help to reduce dengue disease.  

This type of measures already are in Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia.  The Central Research Institute of fair course Institute official losyano project in Brazil according to the programme was started in the year 2012, moraira.  

He said his teams every week, four Rio in specific areas through analysis of a special snare mosquitoes after they catch.

Under the plan the monthly for four months and ten thousand mosquitoes will be tobekanga in the northern region Rio under the first Cap left 10,000 mosquitoes.  

He said the insects were found in a olibakia infections nearly 60 per cent and these are works in which the dengue viruses of vaccine for mosquitoes is dengue viruses and prevents aging process.

Apart from this it also affects breeding of mosquitoes for mild bacterial eye infections. If male and female mosquitoes that are affected or only female mosquito infections is affected by it, in that case, all races in the future there will be infections in olibakia.  

The monash University of Australia in the year 2008 on infections research was started.  

The year in Brazil in 1981 after a gap of 20 years dengue virus had come up again and after that as a result of the virus during the 30 years of the 70 million people were affected by dengue fever in Brazil in 2014, the year since 2009, while 32 million people affected by the deaths of eight hundred of whom was located

Losyano olibakia, moraira said infections is found in nearly 60 per cent of such vaccine for mosquitoes and bugs works in which the dengue virus and dengue virus is found the process stops to grow.


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